National Pet Obesity Awareness Day
HOW CAN OWNERS KNOW WHETHER THEIR DOG OR CAT IS OVERWEIGHT OR OBESE? First, you should be able to easily feel – and count – your dog’s...
World Rabies Day is September 28
What is rabies? Rabies is a deadly disease caused by a virus that attacks the nervous system. The virus is secreted in saliva and is...
Non-anesthetic Dental Cleaning
#nonanestheticdentalcleaning #nonanesthetic #dentalcleaning
Procedure of Non-Anesthetic Dental Cleaning
#nonanestheticdentalcleaning #nonanesthetic #dentalcleaning
Before and After of Non-Anesthetic Dental Cleaning
#nonanestheticdentalcleaning #nonanesthetic #dentalcleaning
Aug.15 Check the Chip Day
Microchips greatly increase the chances that pets will be reuinted with their families if they are lost or stolen…but a microchip only...